Thursday, December 29, 2011

New heart art!

 Hi all!  I hope everyone is recovering nicely from the holiday!  I am working frantically to get all of the Valentines I have designed in my Etsy shop and on Teachers Notebook this week.  Two more sets in the works!  I am really looking forward to a great year, I have been so lucky to be able to offer my art in this format, I think I have finally found my niche!!! (it only took 30 years!)  I've tried everything... Greeting cards, hand drawn and painted kids clothes, I am even in the licensing world.  But I tell you, THIS IS IT!!  I love the immediate feedback, suggestions from customers and the instant gratification of seeing my work being put to use as all sorts of great products in a matter of days!

So a big THANK YOU to everyone who buys and uses my art, you make it possible for me to do what I love!

Monday, December 19, 2011

48 hour SALE at my etsy shop!

OK, Staring in an hour my entire Etsy shop will be on sale for 20% off.  This will last for 48 hours!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Valentine Bears!

My Valentine bears are done and listed!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

a little thank you gift!

Im not sure if this is going to work but Im giving it a try... click the image for some free clip art as a little holiday thanks

Monday, December 12, 2011

Coming next!

The teddy bears are next!  I plan on getting these listed in the next few days.  You will see these guys throughout the year...St Pattys day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas... what am I missing??

I will be working on transportation, and 'public service jobs' next...

As always if you have a request please let me know, My list is getting shorter and shorter

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just added!

 Just a quick note to say that I've just began to list Valentine art on Etsy and Teachers Notebook! Lots of fun kits coming in the next few days, with one secret kit to be a freebee!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

shape monsters finished!

Shapes are done and too cute!  my student does such a good job giving these guys personality!

coming soon!

shape monsters 
I am finally back on track!  My daughters school had their big fundraiser last weekend and it took all of my energy for the last two weeks!!! now I'm back at the electronic drawing board.  First up is my students shape monsters.  He draws such awesome faces!  These should be up by the end of the day today. I will be focusing on valentines for the next week and I'm thinking its time for another giveaway!  SO, before the valentines sets hit the airwaves I will post a secret set giveaway...

This will be a treasure hunt!  Find 5 pieces of the new valentine set in my and other blogs that I follow and tell me about it and I will send you the latest Valentine sets.  The Hunt will start soon I will post when its time to  start looking.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Teachers notebook Re-think!

After listing a bunch of clipart sets I realized that I cant do a sale on teachers notebook.... this is a royalty based thing for me, so I cant send out freebees like I do on Etsy.  So what I did was reduced my prices so it would be similar to Etsy price wise. Its all about sharing my gift!  Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Holiday clip art is finally complete!!!

I've just finished the last of my holiday clip art.  I had quite a few requests for a nativity set so here it is! Available in my Etsy shop in color and black line!

I've also had a lot of requests for the gingerbread story so I am adding that this week too!!  I have this listed at both Teachers notebook and Etsy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Teachers Notebook!!!

I am so excited to announce that my art is now available on Teachers Notebook!  The great thing about this is the instant download!  You don't have to wait for me to email the files to you!  YAY!  I have not figured out how to do a sale but I see a freebee section and I will put a new set in every week.  It will take a while to get all of my sets loaded in so be patient... I'm working as fast as I can!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


After almost two weeks!  Here is my latest set!

Soo far behind and Soooo thankful!

I am so far behind! I have had the last clip art set for the holidays sitting, half done on my computer for over a week!  My house is a wreck and my Cowboy math project has hit a wall!  I am so very grateful that I have the entire week off!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Buy USA!!!!

As  I started my holiday shopping this weekend with my mom, we mad a consious effort to buy only items made in the USA and to shop out of the major retailers... We went to some of our locally owned neighborhood stores, and did a little shopping online.  Our idea is to keep our money from going overseas, help boost our economy by keeping our citizens employed by buying the goods they make... maybe those manufacurers will even hire more people if their sales go up!  If we all did that, even with just 25% of our purchases we could probably pull the USA out of this recession!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another Holiday set complete

Well, I was working on snowmen but this set took over!  Every year I try to draw gingerbread kids and it never works!  This time  I think I got it!  Its way harder than it looks something about a really simple shape just kills me ...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sick kid!

Ugh! my daughter is really sick and has been home form school for two days I am home too! The good news is I have gotten two new clip art sets done today and Im working on a third!  these cute little number monsters are actually drawn by one of my High School students!
I'm really proud of him!  Im still working on another set for winter, new snowmen... maybe that will make it online today too!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

giveaway this week

Hi all I am proud to be a part of another giveaway, this time with 4thgradefrolics!  Go and comment to get your entry!

Monday, October 31, 2011

BOO!!! Its a sale!

Happy Happy Halloween!  Here is your treat!  For today only my Etsy shop is 50% off!  And just for blog followers Look for the treat in my posts and click on it to get the new teddy bear set for FREE! just put 'Teddy Set' in the subject line!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Teddy bears finished

My Teddy Bears at school are finished and I really like how they turned out!  I will be continuing with these little guys... teddies throughout the year  would be fun... one for each month!  Ive almost finished a cute set of snowmen... I hope to have that ready in a few days.  I have Tomorrow off from school so lets have a Halloween Party!  Starting at midnight tonight till midnight Halloween My shop will have a 50% off sale!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Teddys are on the way

I just stared working on the cutest teddy bears.  Inspired by a request from Mrs. Lee.  I hope to have them in the Etsy shop on Monday!  Oh and watch for my Trick or Treat surprise on Monday

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Christmas #1 is finally finished!

The first of 3 new holiday sets is finished!!! I am really happy with this cute set.  You can get it in color, blackline and combo pack.  and I have a new discount code for this week only for my blog followers
use BLOG25 at checkout for 25% your entire purchase in my etsy shop .  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

eeek my email!  Im such a dork!


Ok so here it is!!! the winner is classroom helpers!
Suggested by Sandra.  So Sandra gets a free set (oh and of course the blacklines as well) and our random winner is IamNan.  OK Girls, send me an email at for your free sets  and Im off to work.  the sets will be posted on Etsy later today.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

 I spent the day yesterday in Santa Cruz at 'Open Studio Day'.  We visited over 20 artists out of almost 300 on the map.  This goes on for three weekends every October and it is a blast!  I have an 11 year old daughter who is pretty creative, as we went along we started to look for every discipline and medium.  Painting, sculpting, jewelry, printmaking, ceramics, photography.  Of course she loved the jewelry!  Another thing I discovered was her intense interest in printmaking, we saw two printmaking studios, one that uses a press and etching plates and another that uses silkscreens.  She was immediately drawn to the etching process.  Another thing I noticed is the art that she was drawn to was very sophisticated and a little on the dark side!!!  No pretty pictures for her!  She loved a painting of a bare tree standing alone in a field with a few pieces of fruit hanging from the branches, and another that was a huge sweeping sketch (it was about 5 feet square) with tons of lines and smudges but very ethereal, it was a group of people with no faces and very roughly sketched so without the artist there to show her the inspiration piece it would not have been completely obvious that it was a group of people.  From both of these artists she purchased a greeting card that had the artwork on them.  What an eye opener!!!! This poor kid lives in the middle of cutie central!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Winning suggestion has been picked!

Oh My GOSH!!!!! soooo many great suggestions!  most will be drawn and formatted sooner or later but for now Ive picked one to do over the weekend to have ready on Wednesday!!!  Until then, I will be keeping the choice a secret.  Watch for the reveal on Wednesday along with the winners. 

Now I'm off to Santa Cruz for open studio day  so I will be gone from my studio all day!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

More Ideas!

Wow!  so many good ideas are flowing in  I see a few really good ones popping out right now... these are all being added to my perpetual art list on my smart phone..!  Keep them coming,  I will be making a final pick tomorrow, but keeping it a secret until I draw, scan, color and post it here on Wednesday!  Thanks everyone for the brilliant ideas!

A button a button  I made a button!!!!  well I thought I did.. apparently its not working!  Ugh  Iwll try again tonight!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ideas Ideas Ideas and a Giveaway!

Iv'e been getting a lot of suggestions for clip art and I LOVE it!!!  Nursery rhymes, Detectives, Teddy bears for every season.  I have a long list and I will get to them, but I always want more!!!  So one suggestion I can put into play right away is the 'combo pack'  Color and black line art in one pack!  I've started today and will do as many as I can before I leave to take my aunt to lunch...

I would love more suggestions for clip art, keep in mind that I cant 'copy' characters from books like Mrs Wishy Washy and Critter, but I can do basic things like what you see in my shop now, click here to take a look.  For my next giveaway I will pick a suggestion from the posts and do the clip art for it. Deadline for ideas is Friday October 14th  

Giveaway winner will be chosen Wednesday the 19th by random number generator oh, and I will give the suggestee a set also!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Christmas is coming!!!!!

A little preview 
Some of my kids aprons hanging in the shop
I have been so busy with school that I JUST figured out it was October!!!  I usually would have all my holiday art done by now but I'm WAYYYYY behind... I'm also in a co op in Pacific Grove that sells my work, Oh yeah, I sew too and I need to get my holiday stuff in the store now!  The Santa is a little preview of one of the sets Im working on now.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So Grateful

I was recently blessed by another blog mentioning my work and holy cow!!! The response was amazing.  Thanks to Mrs Lee, Fabulous in First and Pinterest I have so many new followers and customers I cant see straight!!!  My best seller in August was My version of Brown Bear!  I have added a few new sets this week
Including this new snow day clipart.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A new Blog and a new day!

OK! So I decided to devote an entire blog to just doodles... what Im doodling, where, and the tools I use.  It is really important to me to have a place where I can share...