Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Etsy is getting instant download!!!

Yay!!! Finally, instant download is available for my Etsy sore.  It will take a few weeks to get everything re-loaded.  Durring that time use REMODEL at checkout for 35% off your order.

Also, check out http://toristeachertips.blogspot.com for a giveaway!


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out Kirsten!! The giveaway is NOW running!! It will be running until Saturday next week! Thanks SOOO much for your donation... people are lovin' your stuff (but really, who wouldn't??)
    Tori's Teacher Tips

  2. Yay that is exciting! You were great at sending graphics quickly though. =) I am excited to be your newest follower!

    K-3 Connection

  3. Hi Kirsten, I just discovered your graphics and love them! I would like to use them on materials I sell on Teachers Pay Teachers. I saw your note about giving credit...do I also need to purchase the $5 commercial license to sell lessons that include your graphics?
    Thanks for sharing your gift!

  4. I am your newest follower! Love your doodles :)
    Mind Sparks

  5. Hi Kristen,
    I saw you had an ad on Facebook, I've never done that before and wanted if that was going to cost me an arm and a leg...I thought if I ran it for five days to see how it goes, I might try it. Do I choose the $10 a day option at .60 a click, is that what you did? Can you share? Thanks, Jen Jones
